

Rough Bark Japanese Maple

Rough Bark Japanese Maple

Rough Bark Japanese Maple
seedling sample
Click to enlarge image(s)

Acer palmatum

There are several cultivars of Japanese maples with interesting 
bark. The most vigorous and easiest to grow and train for bonsai is the Rough bark Japanese maple ‘Arakawa.’ Many of these four year seedlings have shown the characteristic rough bark at a young age. These seedlings are from my forty year old garden tree which is covered with rough bark and has survived over 40 winters in Rochester, N.Y. Each seedling has been root pruned and is well branched, older and heavier than last year.  Branches are quickly developing. Bright autumn colors are reliable for these choice seedlings established in four inch pots.

Web page problem! You will only be charged and sent one pre-bonsai.

pre-bonsai–4” pot, 12-16” Tall- $125 Free Shipping!

Click on smaller image to view seedlings.
Larger image depicts a developed bonsai, ceramic pot not included. 

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