

4th U.S. National Bonsai Exhibition Album

4th U.S. National Bonsai Exhibition Album

4th U.S. National Bonsai Exhibition Album
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4th U.S. National Bonsai Exhibition Commemorative Album, 2014.

See and study 320 of the finest bonsai in the United states, including 40 shohin bonsai compositions with 120 small size bonsai, displayed in the 4th US National Bonsai Exhibition held on September 13-14, 2014 in Rochester, New York. Over 125 species and plant cultivars were displayed which is representative of the trees trained for bonsai in our country.  Plus, bonsai from three special exhibitor groups from two provinces of Canada. Also included are bonsai from the leading botanical gardens and arboreta in this art form. One of the earliest bonsai to enter the Untied States in 1935 was on display, which was started from a cutting taken in 1802.

The exhibition was honored by Japanese dignitaries who traveled to the Untied States to see the U.S. National Bonsai Exhibition. Jiro Fukuda, Chairman of the Nippon Bonsai Association and Chairman of the World Bonsai Friendship Federation together with Mrs. Naemi Iwasaki, Vice-chairman of WBFF and Hatsuji Kato an advisor to WBFF came as well asother Japanese representative  Mr. Fukuda speaking of the exhibition said " the Japanese group came expecting to see beautiful bonsai but were surprised to see outstanding bonsai."
The regal beauty of the displayed masterpiece bonsai from the U.S. National Bonsai Exhibition were captured in magnificent full color photos to be immortalized in this album. 224 full color pages

Every Album is unique, with it's own set of trees.

11 x 8.5" hardcover

Retail Price $69

Sale Price $35.00  + U.S. POSTAGE $8

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